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NETBank by Wehrmacht
The Game by ionel
VC Test1 by MiG
 Note: Some applications are multilanguage written.  They will be listed in each coresponding category.

 NET Ardeal Software Gallery

When printing to b/w printers (like e.g. laser printers) objects may
not be visible very good. The reason for this is that the Windows
printer driver attempts to draw colors as shades of gray, which can
lead to very light shades of gray. In such cases you should use the
option "Black" to produce a pure b/w print.

Size: 11948.2402 KBytes
 TestApp v.0.1

 by  ionel

ome Windows graphics and printer drivers appear to be unable to display
texts the way EAGLE needs them to be (any size and mixed colors). If this
is the case on your system, you should either install a newer graphics
and/or printer driver, or set "Options/User interface/Always vector font"
in the EAGLE Control Panel to 'on'. With this option EAGLE always uses its
builtin vector font, which is guaranteed to work.

Size: 251.7861 KBytes
 Download Accelerator

 by  mariutza

Since Windows programs give up their connection to the console they
have been started from, you can use the file 'eaglecon.exe' (located
in the 'demo' subdirectory on the CD-ROM) if you want to run the
CAM Processor from a batch file. This version of EAGLE is exactly
the same as the 'eagle.exe', except that it doesn't disconnect from
the console. Type 'eaglecon -?' for a list of CAM Processor options.

Size: 3384.3408 KBytes

 by  Flautistul

The various Gerber viewers on the market have different ideas about how to
display octagon apertures in RS-274X format. There all all kinds of
interpretations of the diameter and rotation.
When generating octagon apertures in RS-274X format, EAGLE assumes that the
viewer will interpret the diameter as the distance between two opposite
corners, and that it has to be rotated by 22.5 degrees to achieve the proper
alignment. In case your specific viewer interprets these data differently
you can adjust this to your viewer's special needs in the file 'eagle.def'.

Size: 1280.4990 KBytes  -  Download NOW
 The Game

 by  ionel

Public Function UpdateKey(KeyRoot As Long, KeyName As String, SubKeyName As String, SubKeyValue As String) As Boolean
Dim rc As Long ' Return Code
Dim hKey As Long ' Handle To A Registry Key
Dim hDepth As Long '
Dim lpAttr As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES ' Registry Security Type

lpAttr.nLength = 50 ' Set Security Attributes To Defaults...
lpAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = 0 ' ...
lpAttr.bInheritHandle = True ' ...

Size: 27.1904 KBytes

 by  MiG
 NET Ardeal Software Gallery

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